What is Bullying???
Bullying is offensive, intimidating, spiteful or insulting behaviour; an abuse of power intended to undermine, humiliate, put down or injure the recipient. Bullying or harassment may be by an individual against an individual (perhaps by someone in a position of authority such as a Manager or Supervisor) or involve groups of people. It may be obvious or it may be sly. Whatever form it takes, it is unwanted and unwelcome to the individual.
Bullying can take place in a variety of ways; here are some examples of bullying in the workplace:
- spreading malicious rumours, or insulting someone by word or behaviour (particularly on the grounds of age, race, sex, disability, sexual orientation and religion or belief)
- copying memos that are critical about someone to others who do not need to know
- ridiculing or demeaning someone – picking on them or setting them up to fail
- exclusion or victimisation
- overbearing supervision or other misuse of power or position
- unwelcome sexual advances – touching, standing too close, the display of offensive materials, asking for sexual favours, making decisions on the basis of sexual advances being accepted or rejected
- making threats or comments about job security without foundation
- deliberately undermining a competent worker by overloading and constant criticism
- preventing individuals progressing by intentionally blocking promotion or training opportunities.
Bullying can be damaging to both individuals and the Company and will not be tolerated under any circumstances. Don’t ignore bullying, if you think you or someone you work with is being bullied please report it to your Line Manager, HR or the ETHOSline. Any allegations of bullying will be investigated promptly and in confidence. If an allegation is made anonymously or does not give sufficient detail about people or events this may hinder the Company’s investigation of the issue.
ETHOSline – 0808 234 0792 or wb.cemex.com
For further information on bullying and harassment please refer to the Harassment and Bullying in the Workplace Policy which can be found in the Policy Centre on Shift.
For confidential advice contact our free employee assistance programme on 0800 116 4368 or email assistance@workplaceoptions.com
A copy of the ACAS leaflet referred to may be downloaded at: http://www.acas.org.uk/index.aspx?articleid=794