Congratulations to the Team at Avonmouth Wharf – what an achievement! Sergi Montras, Avonmouth Wharf Manager, commented: “I would like to congratulate the Avonmouth Wharf Team. As we all know safety does not have memory and to achieve 18 years with no one being hurt is something that takes a lot of effort from everyone within the Team and something that we should be very proud of.”
Sergi added: “We have just had the UK Safety Stand Down where we stopped all the operations at the Wharf for 30 minutes. We discussed how things that we do on a regular basis can go wrong very quickly. We emphasized that now the summer holidays are here we must keep focused and concentrated, and stop, think and act. Avonmouth Team has committed to remain safe, to look after themselves and each other, and to step in whenever they can see something wrong or that does not feel good.
I would like to thank the Avonmouth Team for their support with the whole operation of the Wharf. It is a great Team of people.”