

Nothing Beats Face To Face Meetings!

Last week both Cluster 6 Internal Sales Agents visited the North West for two days worth of meet and greet with the Team.  The aim of the visit was to improve knowledge and Team work by getting to know the Internal Agents, Sam and Vix, and them meeting the Operations Team.

They had a productive afternoon in Preston Brook Central Shipping Office meeting Paul Turton and his Team, and gained a better understanding of the challenges the shippers face day to day.  In the evening they all had dinner together swapping stories in a social environment.

The next day Daniel Roberts, Sales Manager, met both Sam and Vix for an early start.  They started at Preston Brook where Daniel explained Cluster 6’s commercial strategy.  They then visited Altrincham and Manchester Plants where, after a Health & Safety induction by the Plant Supervisors, they toured the Plants asking questions and learning along the way.  They also had an update from Valuemix Manager, John Lafferty, on its business model.

Their final experience was to accompany an IHC onto a 630m3 pour at Laing O’Rourke in Manchester where they could ask lots of questions and see our product being received by a customer and pumped into a deck floor in a live situation….

Daniel Roberts commented: “This was a good two days of visual learning in Cluster 6 and a great chance to meet colleagues face to face.  I encouraged both Sam and Vix to take their knowledge of these two days and to incorporate this into their own job roles.  This type of learning can only help to improve our customer service and ultimately our business performance.”