It has been a week of mixed fortunes, firstly and most importantly, one of our truckmixer Drivers suffered serious injuries whilst assisting a customer with a concrete pour; this has been added to the report as a contractor lost time injury (LTI).
The Driver was helping two people position a concrete skip, suspended from an all terrain forklift, over some shuttering that was being used to construct a bay wall. During this operation the skip became detached and struck the Driver on the shoulder. He was taken to hospital where he was treated for a fractured vertebra in his neck, a broken pelvis, six cracked ribs, a punctured lung, a heavily bruised bone socket in his shoulder and a fractured shoulder blade. It is not acceptable that anyone should suffer such injuries at work.
Last month we circulated training materials intended to remind everyone of the need to STOP & THINK and the dangers of being ‘in the line of fire’, these are available via the following link:!Al2hYrMQQSswga1o8lBM4328YQmQbw
A full investigation is underway into this incident, however, in the meantime it is a reminder of the need for Drivers to do their MYSPACE assessments when delivering to customer sites in order to help identify the hazards and anything that will put them at risk of injury.
Our best wishes go to the Driver and we hope he makes a full and speedy recovery.