

Paul Mckimm – 25 Years A Readymixer

On Thursday 25th May 2017 Paul Mckimm will reach his long service milestone of 25 years. It was with great pleasure that Paul Cheeseman and Paul’s team leader, Steve Jefferies, were able to thank him for his hard work and commitment to the business and to us locally over the years.

As Plant Supervisor at CEMEX Blackburn, Paul has great knowledge of the local market, has good relationships with local customers and continues to demonstrate his understanding of his Plant’s performance, sharing the frustration and benefits when volumes fluctuate in the marketplace.

Paul (on the right of the picture) being the shy retiring type, meant the mere fact we wanted his picture to celebrate and share his milestone turned it into a cat and mouse game, where we eventually succeeded, much to the amusement of Steve (on the left).

Thanks Paul and enjoy your reward.