The seven rare Bee-eater birds at our Quarry in East Leake are becoming major celebrities in the media with coverage last week on Radio 4’s, Today Programme, topping the bill! The birds have now successfully hatched some chicks. So far over 10,000 visitors have been to the Quarry to view the seven adult birds and no doubt more will come to view the chicks.
The team at the Quarry has been magnificent working with the RSPB staff to manage the enormous numbers of people. The birds have had 24 hour surveillance from RSPB wardens to protect the eggs from predators and people!
Last week RSPB wardens watching the nests noticed parent birds flying to and from one of the nest holes with food, indicating that young were being fed. The other two nests are now also on the verge of hatching and the RSPB expects all three will have young by the weekend.
Mark Thomas, RSPB Senior Investigations Officer, explained: “By day, the nests were at risk from egg collectors and by night the eggs – and now the chicks – are at risk of being taken by a fox. Fox prints were seen in the sand so we posted wardens armed with torches on night watch to deter any predators that might be on the prowl. Sure enough, one night, a fox appeared near the nests but was scared away by the torchlight. If we hadn’t been present it would almost certainly have got the chicks.”
Bee-eaters are rare visitors to the UK. Before the Millennium they had only appeared twice but have since nested in Cumbria (2015), the Isle of Wight (2014), Herefordshire (2005) and Country Durham (2002). It is thought they are expanding their range north due to climate change.
Mark Thomas commented: “These exotic birds – a kaleidoscope of greens, yellows, reds and blues – are much more likely to be seen in southern Europe or Africa rather than Nottinghamshire. We’re delighted to see Bee-eaters return to nest in the UK once more; a very rare occurrence that has wildlife enthusiasts very excited.”
Andy Spencer, Sustainability Director at CEMEX, commented: “Working Quarries like this one offer the perfect home for Bee-eaters and other birds like Sand Martins. On CEMEX Quarry sites we build dedicated sand piles away from the operations where birds can make their nests and breed without interruption. We’re delighted to be hosting these charming visitors for the duration of their stay in the UK.”
The nestlings are expected to fledge around mid-August, giving birdwatchers a chance to see them before the colony flies back to their southern territories. To visit the Bee-eaters go to Ashby Road, East Leake, Notts LE12 6RG.
Our thanks to Jeff Rose for this great shot of one of the Bee-eaters.