Health & Safety

Health & Safety

Stay Wider Of The Rider

Did you know more than a third of people killed or seriously injured on UK roads are those travelling by bike?

Cyclists and motorcyclists are among the most vulnerable road users in the UK, with more than 100 riders injured every day in needless, preventable crashes. The dangers (and opportunities) posed by bicycles and motorcycles are distinct but those on two wheels are united by the urgent need to reduce their risk of death and injury on our roads.

Cycling is one of the healthiest, cheapest and most environmentally-friendly forms of transport available with the benefits to health, congestion and the economy and the number of us taking to our bicycles each year is increasing at a rapid pace.

19th – 25th November is Road Safety Week sponsored by the road safety charity ‘Brake’, with the focus about the safety of those on two wheels and encouraging everyone to be Bike Smart.

CEMEX are supporting the week by running a ‘Stay Wider of The Rider’ campaign; developed by the London Cycling Campaign in partnership with Continental Tyres. The campaign gives advice on how we all can give riders a safe distance when overtaking with specific guidance at various speeds.

The campaign is endorsed by the triathlete brothers, Alistair and Jonny, who share a comedy clip about not getting too close.

We can all play our part in raising awareness about the importance of protecting those on bikes and ‘Staying Wider of The Rider’ so please be Bike Smart and share the short video alert with your teams and display the posters on notice boards (in the download section of the UK News website).

Follow this link to watch the video: