

CEMEX Security Update

The Security Team would like to begin by wishing everyone a slightly belated Happy New Year and appealing for continued vigilance throughout 2019.

Commensurate with the aim for ‘Zero Harm For Life’ across our workforce, we would urge everyone to use the same alert eyes and ears for security related issues as we do Health and Safety. If you see something you’re not happy with please step in and ensure you report matters, in confidence if necessary, to the Security Team.

It’s pleasing to report we survived the Christmas and New Year break with very few issues of a security nature. On a general and continuing note, however, staff should be aware diesel thefts are on the rise which is perhaps in line with the hike in high street prices for diesel across the country. Please take sensible measures to protect diesel stocks on your site and be mindful of the rise in diesel related theft.

As the new year gets under way, we would like to tell colleagues of three initiatives being progressed in the security space.  They are in the next stories along!