

Liz Young Hangs Up Her Pen…

It was with great sadness that the UK Comms team said farewell to Liz Young this week as she retires from CEMEX.  In charge of media relations since 2003 she has contributed to many amazing projects over the years, constantly telling the outside world about the great things that we do.  Perhaps her lasting legacies are the Cycle Safety and most recently Pedestrian Safety campaigns which she masterminded alongside the Logistics team.

Liz joined when the media office had just been born and shaped the role, creating links with many people in CEMEX, the media, our industry and beyond.  Sarah Murphy is our new UK Communications Manager and will be based in Rugby, taking over where Liz left off.

It just remains to wish Liz a long, healthy and happy retirement as she plans her backpacking around Greece, Maths A-Level and jive lessons!  And that’s just for starters…

Thankyou Liz for all your hard work, positivity and knowledge over the years.   We will all miss you.