

25 Years For Robert Mithan

Congratulations to Robert Mithan, Plant Operator at Forest Wood Asphalt plant, for reaching his quarter of a century mark with CEMEX.

Robert (aka Scalpy) started working for Pioneer back in October 1994 and continued with RMC and then CEMEX.  He enjoys working on his allotment most evenings and weekends, and he became a grandfather three years ago.

Robert acquired the nick-name, Scalpy, early in his career. When he was a Lorry Driver the Weigh Bridge Operator told him to get a load of scalpings and he kept asking the Machine Driver for Scalpys instead – the name has stuck to this day!  He has decided to use his 25-year service gift to go on a cruise to Malta, Cyprus, Sicily and three other Greek islands.

Carl Roberts, Asphalt Plant Manager, commented: “I’d like to thank Robert for being a truly valued member of our team at Forest Wood…….. thanks for your service.”

Pictured are the Forest Wood team (from left to right: Natalie, Kevin, Robert, Morgan, Carl and Keith).