Last week Tilbury under took their annual Health and Safety Management audit for the accreditation of the OHSAS 1800. The external auditors (BSI) British Standard Institute who came to the site to review the Health and Safety Management system and scrutinize operations in line with the standard.
Gavin Cowen, Plant Director, continues, “the auditor commented on the very well managed system, big thanks to Tony Drake the Operation Manager who manages the system and keeps the system up to date. The auditor commented on the way the whole team are committed to Health and Safety; the ownership engagement of the team; and the way they control the site on a day to day basis. He also commented on the excellent house-keeping on site and how the team look out for each other, visitors and contractors coming to the site.
The two days ended with no minor or major non conformity’s, this is a massive achievement for all the team and a reflection of the hard work that they do every day to keep everyone safe.
I would personally like to thank each and everyone of the guys and girls at Tilbury for the high standards that they demonstrate every day, they should be very proud of their achievements –