Health & Safety

Health & Safety

Texting is 6 times more dangerous than drink driving…

Did you know?

  • Drivers are 23 times more likely to have a crash if texting while driving.
  • Texting is 6 times more likely to cause a crash than drink driving

According to the Department of Transport:

  • The number of people killed in accidents rose by 60% where a mobile phone was a factor
  • 400,000 of 1.6million incidents relate to texting

This is a serious issue which affects all those who drive as part of their role at CEMEX – whether that is in a HGV, visiting customers, or simply travelling to and from the office.

From 18th – 22nd November, a dedicated road safety campaign on this subject will be running at CEMEX sites across the UK. We will need your help promoting this campaign; sharing it with colleagues, business units, family and friends.