Health & Safety

Health & Safety

Never Text Whilst Driving…..

Texting at the wheel is dangerous. It is six times more likely to cause a crash than drink driving and is also illegal – yet we regularly still see people doing this.

Over the last 12 months several CEMEX truck drivers have been observed using personal hand-held phones and have left the company as a result.  Next week we are focusing on the important health and safety message: ‘Don’t Text and Drive’.

Posters, leaflets and air freshener giveaways to help promote this campaign amongst our employees, IHCs and contractor drivers have been distributed across the country. We will also be erecting large impactful displays at key sites – look out for these as you travel across the business.

Additionally, a presentation and video have been created for use in team briefings. We encourage Team Leaders to spend time with colleagues watching and talking through these. Texting at the wheel is an important issue that affects us all – whether we are driving a CEMEX truck or simply commuting to and from the office.

The presentation and posters can be accessed here:

To watch the video click:

Thank you for supporting this campaign – ensuring road safety is a key part of our journey towards Zero Harm.