Health & Safety

Health & Safety

Meet Cardi-O!

One of the health and safety communication priorities this year will be raising awareness and promoting heart health.

Heart disease is the No.1 cause of death worldwide, and sadly, this has also been reflected in the reported cases that have involved our workforce. That is why it was agreed that in CEMEX we should embark on this campaign to raise awareness and to encourage healthier habits as much as possible.

First up, why not make keeping your heart healthy a New Year’s resolution? Key areas to focus on include improving nutrition, increasing exercise and quitting smoking. Find out more info here:

As you recall, a “Name the Character” global contest was launched last October. Cardi-O is the name of this new character, which will be focused on sharing knowledge about healthy habits throughout the year.

Please reach out to your local Health & Safety team if you have any questions or comments and watch out for more advice from Cadi-O coming soon!