Health & Safety

Health & Safety

UK Health And Safety Incident Performance 2019 – A Record Year

Andy Taylor gave this brief summary of the health and safety incidents across the UK last year. In summary, we made another significant step towards ZERO4Life performance.

  • No recordable fatalities
  • Just one employee Lost Time Injury (LTI), something we only achieved once before, back in 2013; we mustn’t however overlook the three contractor LTIs!
  • Employee LTI frequency rate of 0.2, within the challenging CEMEX Global target
  • Total Recordable Injuries (TRIs) reduced by 26% compared with 2018, employee TRIs down from 11 to 7 and contractor TRIs down from 8 to 7
  • We achieved our lowest Employee TRI Frequency Rate on record!

Thanks go to everyone for continuing to Look After Themselves and Each Other during a time of significant change. Hopefully, under the leadership of the National Health and Safety Committee, and with everyone’s support we can continue to build on this improving trend.

Carl Platt, Chair of the National UK Health & Safety Committee commented: “This shows great commitment and drive by the UK Team on this improved performance. The plans are set for 2020 and health and safety remains our number one priority. As we know safety has no memory so every day we start again.”

Please continue to report all injuries, in particular those with high potential (HiPos); they remind us that there is no room for complacency and give us an opportunity to learn and take action before anyone suffers severe injury.