It’s National Bird Box Week – the perfect opportunity to help wildlife at work and at home, thanks to advice from our biodiversity partner, the RSPB.
Many of the UK’s birds are declining and short of homes; changes to house building methods and management in the wider countryside are responsible, with even urban spaces and gardens habitats shrinking as they been converted to parking or developed.
You can help!
Build them a home and feed the birds or think about the planting in your gardens to include nectar rich flowers, seed and fruit baring plants. Later in the spring we’ll share a list of garden plants that benefit wildlife.
Making a nest box can be your first step… follow the link and print the pdf. You can even recycle scrap timber or repurpose an old pallet.
When locating a nest box try put it near shrubbery or on/in a tree or next to a hedge, facing South West is usually a good position, ideally above head height at about 2 metres , it doesn’t want to be in full sun or with the prevailing wind blowing in the hole. In spring you may get the joy of hearing baby birds calling to thank you for your efforts!
Thank you to Tim Melling for the wonderful photos of a Sparrow and a Tree Sparrow.