

COVID-19 Update For UK Employees

Thank you to everyone for your professionalism and commitment as we work together to manage this unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic. We continue to operate our business as normally as possible, working alongside our customers to ensure all everyone is kept safe and healthy. The construction sector is a vital part of the UK economy and we must maintain a close focus on our customers to keep our business and the UK economy on track.

We are continuing to monitor the development of the Coronavirus in the UK. Currently there are 1,950 cases confirmed across the UK; 50,442 have been tested to date.

However, following the Cobra meeting on Thursday 12th March 2020, the Government’s approach to testing for the virus has changed. Only those in hospital will be tested, meaning the real number of cases is likely to be higher.

CEMEX UK will follow the UK Government guidelines wherever possible and asks all its employees to do the same. Our updated process for monitoring the outbreak and implementing preventive measures to reduce the risks to the CEMEX community is below.


The UK has a dedicated Rapid Response Team (RRT) which is closely monitoring the situation and will keep you regularly updated on any developments. The team is made up of representatives from different business units and is chaired by Carl Platt.

The UK RRT is responsible for considering all the available advice and determining the most appropriate approach to help UK based employees through the COVID-19 challenges. It is important all staff follow the advice from this forum as opposed to other overseas decisions, which are often based on data sets and scenarios as yet inapplicable to the UK. Please be assured the UK RRT is taking measured account of all advice available from CEMEX globally.

Suspected Cases of Coronavirus

In line with Government advice, anyone who has a new, continuous cough or high temperature (over 37.8°C/100F) should self-isolate for 14 days. Individuals who live on their own should self-isolate for seven days.

If you are at home and have these symptoms:

  • Do not come into work.
  • Contact your Line Manager, who must complete the Health & Safety online form and report to their local Health & Safety Specialist. The form is located here: https://forms.gle/WKDAFDdX81nRPTdz9
  • The Health & Safety team will need details about symptoms, travel history, business area etc.
  • Keep in touch with your Manager about your symptoms.
  • In line with government advice, visit https://111.nhs.uk/covid-19 – do not call 111 or visit any medical location if symptoms are minor.
  • If your symptoms become more severe, call NHS 111.
  • Line Managers must report any positive cases to the Health & Safety team via the online link and also directly to their local Health & Safety Specialist.
    • Visit: https://forms.gle/WKDAFDdX81nRPTdz9
    • Contact Kathy Willcox: katherine.willcox@cemex.com with any questions.
    • All previous reports to Kathy Willcox have been logged already.

If you are at work and display these symptoms:

Confirmed/Suspected Cases of Coronavirus – Cohabitant

In line with Government advice, if you live with someone who is confirmed or suspected to have Coronavirus, you and your whole household must self-isolate for 14 days. If you develop symptoms, follow the advice previously given for suspected cases.

Working From Home

In line with Government advice, Managers and Supervisors are asked to consult with their teams and identify opportunities to enable employees to work from home where possible, while still maintaining business continuity. We will seek to minimise risks to individuals, while avoiding disruption to the business where possible; however, in the interest of safety, it is important that visible leadership is maintained across our operations.

Travel Restrictions

Avoid all unnecessary travel, both in the UK and overseas.

Overseas Business Travel:

Outbound – All travel is restricted unless you have written approval from business unit Vice President and UK Security.

Inbound – Essential travel only, requires written approval from business unit Vice President, UK Security and relevant UK Director. If you are expecting a visitor from overseas, please report this to your business unit Vice President and UK Security.

Overseas Personal Travel:

Follow government advice – detailed here: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/travel-advice-novel-coronavirus

Employees and contractors are also encouraged to follow the additional Government Guidelines relating to avoiding gatherings and crowded places, such as pubs, clubs and theatres, and “unnecessary” visits to friends and relatives in care homes.  By taking proactive action now, hopefully we can help minimise the consequences of the ongoing pandemic, thereby helping to look after ourselves and our loved ones.

Returning from Overseas Travel

In line with Government advice, self-isolation is not automatically required when returning from overseas travel. It is only needed if you or someone in your household is displaying any of the symptoms mentioned above. If symptoms appear, follow the advice provided previously in this update.

UK Travel:

Avoid all unnecessary UK travel – consider holding meetings via Skype, etc rather than face to face.

  • Reduce or reschedule optional visits to our sites while striving to maintain normal operations – for instance, customer meetings on site.
  • Minimise attendance at gatherings with more than 100 people unless necessary.
  • Managers are to keep UK travel under review.
  • Follow social distancing guidelines and hygiene best practice.

Wherever possible, we should maintain business as usual, while also being considerate of our fellow colleagues, customers and suppliers and limiting the potential risk to others. It is very important to follow good hygiene practice:

  • Frequently wash hands for about 20 seconds, using soap and hot water or a sanitiser gel.
  • Use a tissue for coughs and sneezes, or your sleeve if you do not have a tissue.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands.
  • Avoid close contact with people who are unwell.
  • Avoid greetings which involve physical contact.
  • Use only your cell phone, computer keyboard, mouse, etc., not anyone else’s.
  • Please keep your workspace as clean as possible.

We understand that this is concerning for many, particularly those who have underlying health conditions or work in roles with a lot of person to person contact (for instance in our weighbridge offices).

  • Please raise any health concerns with your manager and the Health & Safety team.
  • Request all those who visit our sites also follow good hygiene practice.
  • Speak to your Manager about any specific risk assessments you feel are needed.
  • Assess and uplift the cleaning procedure at your site and explore any ways this could be improved with management. Consider communal areas, opening doors, elevators etc.

We ask all employees commit to our first priority: Health & Safety. Please be a proactive ambassador of all the measures listed above and work with your team to stay safe.

If you have any questions please speak to your Manager or contact the Health & Safety team.

As you can appreciate this is a very fluid situation and further regular updates will be communicated as the situation develops.  This information was up to date at time of publication and may be subject to change.

Updated information on Coronavirus can be found at: https://cemex.sharepoint.com/sites/coronavirus

 A dedicated UK Sharepoint for Coronavirus will launch shortly – further details to follow.