Alexander Hopcroft, Sales Executive, shared this great customer story: “Yesterday we completed a 515m3 pour for Adston Construction in Southampton, forming the raft slab foundation for a new Lidl store.
We had 12 trucks on the pour, running primarily from Southampton plant and supported from Totton. We kicked off just after 6.30am and all was going wonderfully until Southampton broke down at 9.00am, for what would turn out to be a two-hour breakdown!
Our CSO reacted quickly and shifted all the trucks over to Totton plant as to not cause much of a gap in the pour. Once we were back up and running, the trucks were flying in and out of site, and by 3.00pm we had batched just under 500m3. A few more loads through the huge 63m3 boom pump, and the pour was complete.
The customer was delighted, the CEMEX team were relieved, and we have a nice positive news story to share in what is quite a difficult time at the moment!”