Health & Safety

Health & Safety

COVID-19 Update For UK Employees

Update on UK Business 

Earlier this week the Government issued a number of documents that may impact business operations for CEMEX UK. This included an overview of the Government’s new ‘Staying Alert and Safe’ strategy and a more detailed 60-page recovery plan for the UK as the pandemic continues. In addition, practical guidelines from the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) to make workplaces as safe as possible were released, covering eight workplace settings which are allowed to be open, such as outdoor environments and construction sites. Furthermore, Rishi Sunak, Chancellor of the Exchequer, has given an update on the future of the Government’s job retention scheme (or furloughing as it’s also known).

As an RRT we are systematically working our way through these documents and announcements and assessing how they should be applied to our business. Once we have carefully evaluated all of this new information, we will provide a more detailed communication which explains how our employees and our operations will need to adapt, if relevant.

If you have any questions in the meantime, please do contact your Line Manager or any member of the RRT. Thank you for your understanding and support.

COVID-19 Workplace Checklist 

A finalised version of the COVID-19 Workplace Checklist is now available to help sites ensure they have the necessary precautions in place, particularly where they are reopening. It covers topics including workplace sanitisation, distancing measures and stakeholder interaction. You can access the checklist via the UK Coronavirus SharePoint here, or UK Health & Safety SharePoint here.

New Functionality in the INTELEX Near Miss/Hazard Alert System 

A new ‘COVID-19 Related?’ field has been added in the INTELEX Near Miss/Hazard Alert System.  The field is available in the initial entry stage.  To make it user-friendly, the option has been defaulted to ‘No’ – you just need to change it in the drop down if needed. This will enable greater visibility of concerns and suggested improvements in relation to how we manage the risks from Coronavirus.