Future in Action

Future in Action

A Little Haven…..

Andy Pond, Assistant Quarry Manager, and the team at Langley spoke last Autumn about creating a little haven between their cabins where they could take a break and have their lunch when the weather permitted.  They recently set to work and using all recycled materials have created a little garden to sit out in – 2m apart of course!

Andy explained: “Everything used is recycled – from plant pallets to plant pots not used at home. The plants are mostly bulbs and again unwanted, or flowers from our gardens at home, with a little extra topsoil from the quarry.  We have added a small veg patch/summer veg.  The main plants are Lavenders to Dahlia and Rhododendron.”

Well done to the team for taking this initiative and proving that even the most tiny and unlikely spots can be turned into something beautiful for nature to provide some peace and calm.