Health & Safety

Health & Safety

Sharing Best Practice In Our Plants

Sonny Netto and Lee Wearing had a COVID-19 support visit at Somercotes recently.  It was a great chance in these challenging times to have a face to face conversation regarding COVID-19 and our current guidance (albeit at 2 metre physical distance).











Sonny commented that it was: “Interesting to hear what other sites are doing and what lessons we can take from those, while sharing what we have done at Somercotes by going ‘back to basics’ to minimise the risk of COVID-19.”

Here were the main learning points:

  • Hand sanitiser at all access points.
  • Increased signage including 2 metre distance reminders and amount of persons allowed in each room at any given time.
  • Removal of furniture in welfare facilities to aid social distancing.
  • 2 metre distance floor markings around induction points, offices, and along the production beds.
  • Increased cleaning regime in office/welfare facilities paying particular attention to touch points.
  • Cleaning wipes and sanitiser in mobile plant.

His thanks go out to all the team at Somercotes for their collective efforts helping to keep everybody safe during these challenging times.