

Decision on Proposed Mothballing of South Ferriby Cement Plant

On 12th May 2020 we announced a proposal to mothball South Ferriby Cement plant. This followed analysis of our European Cement assets which identified an opportunity to reduce our operating costs and improve the utilisation of CEMEX’s European Cement network through the mothballing of South Ferriby Cement plant.

We have been collectively consulting with Employee Representatives and during this process many questions have been raised and answered and a counter proposal was submitted and examined. Individual consultations are also taking place with affected employees.

After very careful consideration of everything raised during consultation, the company has made the decision that it will mothball South Ferriby Cement plant.

Now that a firm decision has been taken, the Collective Consultation process has concluded.  We would like to thank the Employee Representatives and Unite, the Union, who have worked with the business to ensure that the proposal has been subject to scrutiny and challenge.

This decision means that approximately 110 employees are at risk of redundancy and we anticipate that the majority will leave the business during July. A small number of employees will be needed during August to mothball the plant.

We would like to thank all of our colleagues at South Ferriby for their valued contribution to CEMEX and we appreciate this continues to be a very difficult time for them. CEMEX remains committed to the UK and its European business, which is one of the company’s largest regions, and will continue to have a strong national presence.

If you have any further questions or concerns, please speak to your Line Manager.