Health & Safety

Health & Safety

A Heartfelt Thank You

Following their virtual Health & Safety Committee Meeting for NW Readymix, Paul Cheeseman and the team put out a heartfelt thank you to all staff, IHCs and contractors locally for their efforts this year.  

We thought we’d share it too as it is such a lovely message and applies to all of us.  Feel free to share this with your team and colleagues:

“We would like to take the opportunity to thank all our staff, IHCs and contractors for their efforts in what has been a challenging year for all of us. Operationally, we recognise the efforts you have gone to, the additional risks you have faced in coming to work, attending sites, interacting with others that can’t be done by working at home.  We have adapted to a new way of working, implemented procedures, controls and best practice to minimise the risks from COVID in our operations whilst still undertaking our daily roles.  Planning commercially, you’ve had to adapt to remote working that brings its own challenges through available equipments, processes and lone working (couple that to childcare and supporting family and loved ones) that can impact mental health and wellbeing.

 The challenge of furlough and extended periods away from work will have also brought uncertainty at times, alongside integrating into a new way of working on return that brought its own challenges. Everything we’ve tried to achieve hasn’t been done without some additional challenge.  We’ve said goodbye to valued members of our team whose own contribution should not be forgotten. 

 So, to each and every one of you across the board, be you, IHCs, Shippers, Technicians, Sales, Contractors, Logistics or Operations, our thanks and gratitiude go out to you for your support and commitment throughout.  

 Please remain focused, look after yourselves, look after one another and stay safe.”