

More Exceed-ingly Good Ideas….

Another big ‘Thank You’ goes out to all of our teams for continuing to develop and implement their ideas that will help make CEMEX a safer place to work, with better quality and greater efficiency / effectiveness.

The ideas for this month’s Exceed (Operational Excellence) competition covered the following:

  • Pershore Readymix site – The team has trialled and subsequently purchased the “Loner Duo” lone working device and app to ensure an alarm is raised if it detects ‘No Movement’, Alarm Call Back or Panic Button.
  • Willington quarry – Willington team has modified an old base plate to a problematic sand pump allowing maintenance that is much faster and safer as requires less effort to line the bolt holes up and secure.
  • Dove Holes DSM – The team has minimised Drivers having to walk up three flights of stairs to ‘book in’ and receive their loading pin (on average 15 – 20 loads a day times five days a week).
  • Dove Holes quarry – The site team has installed an extraction unit and ducting to remove the fumes from the bobcat and caused by burning / welding.
  • Langley quarry – Fitted a new 2” pump with drainage to overcome flooding for the haul road and reduce the risk of ‘Slips, Trips & Fall’ Hazards.

Our congratulations go out to the teams at Pershore Readymix and to Dove Holes DSM who jointly took the Top Award this month!