Health & Safety

Health & Safety

Rise in Workplace Transmissions

Thanks to your efforts we have limited the spread of the virus in the workplace to a small number of cases, with most infections picked up in the wider community; however, last week saw a concerning shift with four instances where it is likely there was workplace transmission between colleagues, with 16 new positive cases being recorded in total.

Increased workplace transmission risks the virus being taken home to families, some of whom may be vulnerable, and the greater the potential someone will be taken seriously ill. While we have been battling this virus for a year and the roll out of the vaccine is progressing well, now is not the time to drop our guard.

We understand that many are feeling COVID fatigue, particularly as lockdown measures continue, but there is no room for complacency; recent experience has shown us that when workplace transmission takes place it can escalate very quickly. This is a particular risk with the new variant, which spreads more easily, and also with the potential for people to be asymptomatic.

Please ensure you are following the Behaviours that Save Lives and ensure others are doing the same. They are simple measures which, if followed, will keep you, your colleagues and your family safe.

Remember to Step In if you see anything unsafe and speak to your site’s COVID Coordinator, or a member of the Health & Safety team if you have any concerns or questions.