Health & Safety

Health & Safety

You Are What You Eat…..

Small diet changes can make big difference to your health. Your body is like a finely tuned car, if you put in rubbish fuel in you will get a rubbish performance.

CEMEX is focusing on healthy eating this quarter and has produced a poster to help promote taking some time to love your body and take care of your nutrition.  Taking some time to really look at what you eat and making some adjustments can improve your health and happiness.

Changes suggested include eating salad every day, eating whole grain food, drinking enough water each day, reducing your salt intake or eating less processed food.

Please print the poster and put it on a noticeboard near you. It can be found in the download section of the UK News website here: Nutrition poster (706 downloads)

Apps such as My Fitness Pal can help you monitor your food intake and nutrition if you need a hand as well.