Future in Action

Future in Action

Baby Birds at Bromsgrove

Whilst the offices at Bromsgrove have been a little quieter than usual during lockdown, the birds haven’t been!  Jim Wainwright, West Midlands Operations Manager, saw the baby Blue Tits hatch on the ‘nestcam’ set up in the bird box.  The parents are working hard to feed the seven hungry beaks!

We asked Jim to give us some more information on his feathered friends…. “I put the bird box up last year and they started to make a nest but then I think they got spooked and moved out which was disappointing. This year I was hopeful that she would nest, every day she added to the nest and worked hard to make it her own. She laid 11 eggs altogether, but from what I can tell there are only eight that have hatched – still great news.

The box is on a pole just outside my office. I have a monitor as one of the pictures shows next to my PC screen. She is really busy at the moment constantly feeding them throughout the day. I am amazed how quickly they are developing, over the Bank Holiday weekend they grew feathers!”