Health & Safety

Health & Safety

Think Thrombosis

During lockdown many people have been less active than usual.

Working from home or not being able to go out and about so much mean that we have been moving less and sitting more.  These are the perfect conditions for thrombosis – or blood clots – to occur.

A thrombosis can happen to anyone and without warning or symptoms.  They often go unrecognised or undiagnosed.  Remember if in doubt check it out!  Go to your doctor and get it checked.

To avoid the risks of thrombosis moving is key.  Take a break from your desk regularly, do some stretches whilst you wait for the kettle to boil, go for a walk after work rather than just watching TV or gaming, do a home workout or commit to an exercise class!  Keep the weight down and stay hydrated.

To find out more go to:

There is a poster in the download section of UK News website: Think Thrombosis poster (618 downloads)   which you can use on your site or at home!!