

April’s Thanks For Your Effort Award

The winners are the David Addison, Dave Eaton, Neil Sippitts, Stuart Andrews and Steve Evans Rugby Cement Production and Maintenance team for acting promptly and professionally when a contractor sustained a serious injury.

Shortly before midnight and during the major overhaul at Rugby cement plant, two contractors were working inside the fuel mill carrying out highly specialised machining work to the fuel mill table. Unfortunately, a safety incident occurred involving their complex equipment which caused a significant leg injury to one of the contractors. The incident was witnessed by the CEMEX Supervisor, Dave Addison, who immediately sought emergency support.

Dave Eaton, Neil and Stuart as CEMEX First Aiders and Emergency Responders, provided invaluable medical support to the injured person whilst waiting for the emergency services to arrive. Steve played a critical role in coordinating the emergency response. The scene was particularly gruesome due to the extent of the injury and complicated by access challenges and the sheer size of the equipment involved.

Without their immediate, professional, and calm response, the outcome would likely have been very different, potentially resulting in the loss of the injured person’s (IP) leg or worse. The IP suffered multiple fractures and a large laceration to his leg with significant blood loss.

The Police commented that the overall site response was ‘first class’, and whilst many others were involved during the emergency, the individuals nominated went well above the call of duty and ultimately saved the IP’s leg whilst dealing with a difficult, disturbing, and graphic scene.