Future in Action

Future in Action

The Next Bright Idea….

Over the past year the world has seen significant change, and as a result the environment and processes we experience daily are very different. We saw the rollout of a new vaccine to combat Coronavirus in less than 12 months, a process conventionally which takes over 10 years! With your support, we can transform your ideas into reality in our ever-developing industry.

CEMEX must innovate with new products and services, develop processes to improve our efficiency, invent new ways to communicate or perhaps explore changes to our business model. To make the difference and build a sustainable future, we need you.

In recent weeks, the smart innovation challenge has started. Its goal: To review all the ideas that will be submitted on the website: (https://ideaportaleurope.ideas.aha.io/). This period is the perfect time to let your creative juices flow and document your creativity.

There are three important topics, which we would like you to think about. These themes are an integral part of the CEMEX global strategy and all reflections on these subjects will be reviewed.

  • Develop actions aimed at achieving our commitments in climate control: Reduction of CO2, improve air quality & water management, biodiversity, energy efficiency, recycled materials, etc.
  • Meet the needs of the cities of the future: Sustainable construction systems, modular construction, energy efficient materials, supply construction sites with new delivery methods, etc. 
  • Improve our operational efficiency: Leaner processes such as real-time inventory tools, ideas to reduce maintenance operations with emerging technologies, further digitalise, etc.

Do you have a potential idea in mind that could move our business forward? Submit it now!

The entire Innovation team would like to Thank You for your support and imagination.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them” – Albert Einstein