Health & Safety

Health & Safety

CEMEX UK Response to Government Announcement

On Monday evening the Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced that lockdown easing in England has been delayed another four weeks, until 19th July.

This means the restrictions currently in place after step three remain, with some exceptions for weddings and wakes.

As has been the case throughout the pandemic, the UK RRT has evaluated Boris Johnson’s announcement and any potential impact to our business.

We will continue to follow Government Guidelines and as such, at this stage, there is no change to our current way of operating. Those who are working remotely should continue to do so and unnecessary travel/social contact should be avoided.

Please continue to be careful both inside and outside of work by following the Four Behaviours That Save Lives:

  1. Identify Symptoms and inform. Recognise the symptoms of COVID-19, and be responsible – utilise the free lateral flow tests available for use at home.
  2. Personal Hygiene. Wash your hands as often as possible, and make sure your families do the same.
  3. Physical Distance. Maintain a safe physical distance from others and socialise outside where possible.
  4. Protect yourself and others. Anytime you leave your home, please use a facemask and any other PPE as required.

If you have any questions, please speak to your Line Manager, or contact a member of the RRT directly.