Future in Action

Future in Action

Waste Not, Want Not….

As waste producers we have a legal Duty of Care for all wastes we produce at our sites – even once the waste has left our site. This means that we must segregate, store and label waste correctly. We must also transfer waste using a registered waste carrier and ensure that the waste is being taken to a site with a suitable waste permit or registered waste exemption.

With that in mind, the Sustainability team has produced two environmental briefing sheets for you.  They outline the waste management duty of care we have and how to follow the guidelines to ensure our waste goes to the right place in the right way.

Please take the time to read these short briefing notes to make sure you and your teams are managing waste as well as you can.  Every little helps the environment and the team thank you for your support in this. The briefings can be found in the download section of the UK News website:  Environmental Briefing Sheet (715 downloads)   Managing Waste Disposal Procedure (708 downloads)

Please contact the Sustainability team if you have any questions.