

Transition from Red Diesel on our Sites

From 1st April 2022 rebated fuel (red diesel) must not be put into the tank of any vehicle, machine or appliance that is on our sites or used in our operations.

This means that any stocks of this fuel at our locations should be run down before 1st April 2022.

We may only use up rebated fuel after 1st April 2022, if the fuel was legally put into the vehicle or machine before 1st April 2022 and we can demonstrate this.

Please can we, therefore, ask all Site Managers to evaluate the stock they have and put a plan into place to use this up in advance of the deadline. If stocks allow, all applicable vehicles on site can be filled up, but do not order any more – be prepared to receive deliveries of white diesel from April onwards.

You will not be expected to flush out rebated fuel from your storage tanks.

All contractors undertaking load and haul, restoration, overburden, contract crushing or similar activities must also convert on the 1st April – all sites undertaking these activities are responsible for ensuring they comply.


  • emergency generators that rely on red diesel can continue to use it as and when needed but should not be restocked with this fuel.
  • marine, rail and river transport are exempt and can continue to use rebated fuel.

Operational Excellence and Security continue to work together to devise solutions for the security-related issues that may arise as a result of these changes. Further communication on this will follow in due course.

If you have any questions, please contact Colin Jones and John Sweeting in the UK Security Team.

The MPA has prepared a briefing note on the transition from red diesel, which can be downloaded from the UK News website:  MPA Briefing Note for Red Diesel (792 downloads)