

To Do: Clear Your Expenses

Please can we ask all employees to submit all expenses through the Concur system, and approvers then approve as much as possible, by Monday 21st March 2022.

This is important as we prepare to move to the new SAP system from Monday 1st April and will ensure faster payment of expenses.

Completing expenses by the 21st March will mean that they can be processed in SAP CRP rather than open claims being migrated to SAP SRP. Please be aware that there will be a delay in getting open cash expenses cleared and paid after migration.

Expenses that have not yet been submitted / are unassigned and not approved will be chased up by Tomas Hozik, however, employees need to make sure they are as up to date as they can be with clearing their credit card movement ahead of the migration.

Additionally – please can we also ask all employees to start raising cash expenses separately with immediate effect, so it can help the team prioritise cash expenses and get them paid.

If you have any questions please contact Tomas Hozik.