Future in Action

Future in Action

CEMEX University’s New Sustainability Academy

CEMEX University is launching a new Sustainability Academy. 

This Academy will help us:

  • Establish a common understanding on our Sustainability Model and its elements Environmental, Social and Governance.
  • Articulate the link between the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) and our actions in support of a better future for society.
  • Inspire you to connect your everyday activities with these goals and actions, to take this commitment to an individual level.

You will soon receive an invitation to participate in the first learning program of this Sustainability Academy, focused on our Future in Action strategy and our Net Zero CO2 emissions ambition.

Throughout this year, more learning resources will become available related to Future in Action, as well as other elements of our Sustainability Model and SDGs.  Please take the time to learn more about Sustainability.

Each one of us can make a difference.