Health & Safety

Health & Safety

Mark ‘Steps In’ to Help Save a Life

Mark Nichols, Wharf Supervisor (pictured right) and first aider at our Brighton Wharf, showed exemplary behaviour by ‘Stepping In’ to try to save a man’s life after a horrific incident last week.

Mark had been working on site but out of sight of the nearby public main road when he heard a loud bang. Without hesitation Mark and two colleagues nearby ran to investigate and found a horrific road traffic collision between a van and a motorbike. While Mark’s two colleagues redirected the rush hour traffic away from the scene, Mark, along with a passing motorist, assessed the injured motorcyclist and finding him not breathing, decided to take action. Taking it in turns, Mark and motorist administered CPR until paramedics arrived on the scene some 20 minutes later.

Unfortunately, the injuries were too severe, and the motorcyclist died two days later in hospital. The paramedics were, however, full of praise for Mark’s calm and quick action and said that with Mark’s intervention the man had some chance of surviving and without Mark he would have had none.

Terry Gent, Mark’s line manager commented: “We are incredibly proud of Mark who ‘Stepped In’, stayed calm under a stressful situation and took immediate action. He used his First Aid training to help a person in real need. Well done Mark!”