

SAP Goes Live Today!

We are pleased to inform you that the new System (SAP SRP) is ready and ‘Go Live’ is confirmed from 1st April.

Where we are now?

For the past months we have been configuring and testing the new SRP system.  We are now in the final phase which includes training, awareness, and data entry in the new system. Many of you are already involved and we thank you for your support.

How do I log into the new system?

The option for SRP should appear automatically in your logon pad before 1st April, so unless you need access before this time, or are instructed otherwise, you do not need to do anything.

What do you need to do if you find an error with the new system?

Please create a service request through the GSC in the normal way.  Be sure to state that the issue relates to UK SAP SRP and provide your business or functional area – this will then be passed to our Project Team for resolution. If the issue is critical – please also contact your supervisor.

We would like to thank all of you for your continued support during this project!