Health & Safety

Health & Safety

Today is World Health & Safety Day

Today, 28th April, is the World Day for Health & Safety at Work, a global event observed by the United Nations in order to stress the importance of preventing accidents and injuries at work.

All of us at CEMEX are committed to our number one priority; Health & Safety. Nothing is more essential than protecting the employees, contractors and others we interact with each day, as well as ourselves.

This day, therefore. offers an opportunity for us all to reflect on this priority and the efforts we are making to look out for each other.

The Health & Safety committee have encouraged all teams to spend some time discussing Health & Safety together, for instance:

  • Recognise the day, reflect on previous incidents and those we have lost in recent times, and thank those we work with for their dedication to keeping people safe.
  • Take some time to walk your site and look out for any potential risks.
  • Consider our mental and physical wellbeing – are there any new health habits we could adopt?
  • Revisit recent Near Miss / Hazard Alerts – is there anything that needs resolving, or would benefit from a fresh pair of eyes?
  • Remember that we traditionally experience a higher number of incidents during this time of year – be extra vigilant.
  • Acknowledge that one LTI and three TRIs have been reported in April so far in EMEA – rushing and not following established rules are key causes of these.

Additionally, Managers, who can, should consider doing a VFL this week.

If you take any photos of briefings, activities or VFLs held as part of the World Day for Health & Safety at Work, please share these with others:

Upload to Yammer using #lookaftereachother

Email to: for inclusion in UK News next week.

Thank you all for your commitment to maintaining a safe workplace.