Health & Safety

Health & Safety

Global Safety Alerts

In the UK News downloads section here you can read two Safety Alerts relating to two fatal incidents in our operations overseas.

Sadly a contractor died in the first incident (No. 05) when he was crushed by a ground investigation drill rig as it overturned.  Two members of the public died in the second incident (No. 06) when a contracted truckmixer collided with the rear of their car.

Please review the Alerts with your team, including employees and contractors in your discussions.  While the specific equipment in the first Alert is not common, the discussion is a good opportunity to highlight the need for effective risk assessment and planning of contract activities, with relevant hazards, risks and precautions being communicated to the work team.  It is also an opportunity to stress the need to follow Safe Systems of Work wherever winching or towing activities are taking place, and the benefit of taking the time to Stop & Think and Take 5 before starting a task to help ensure we stay out of the line of fire.

If anyone is aware of equipment similar to that in the Alert being in use in our operations, please advise a member of the Health & Safety Team so a specific review can be carried out.

The second incident acts as a reminder for us all, of the risk of driving while tired and the need to stop and take a break from driving if suffering from fatigue.  In addition, for Haulage Drivers, it is essential we monitor and comply with CEMEX requirements and legislation regarding driving hours.

Please take action to address any shortfalls in standards.

Please also display the Alerts on your relevant noticeboards.