

Taking Advantage with Advanced Reinforced Concretes

Statistics compiled by the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy have shown that the cost of concrete-reinforcing bars has risen by 43.6 per cent year on year, while the price of fabricated structural steel has jumped by 35.9 per cent.  It was reported that March saw the biggest instant price hike British Steel have imposed. Experts believe that the ongoing impact of the Russian invasion of Ukraine could push prices further still.

Hoping to take advantage of the soaring steel prices, CEMEX is increasing its marketing activities to promote our range of Fibre Reinforced Concrete, forming part of our overall VAPS strategy.

In May, we launched our ‘Break free from bars’ Fibres campaign, promoting how steel mesh, a traditional reinforcement for concrete, can be replaced by Fibre Reinforced Concrete.

How can Fibre Reinforced Concrete benefit our customers?

  • Saves money: Reduced use of steel material and storage/labour time
  • Reduced construction time: Removes the time needed to place the mesh
  • Less waste: As no need for cutting and placing of steel
  • Reduced storage: No storage of steel mesh on site
  • Minimal handling: No cutting, placement and fixing of traditional mesh required. Can be placed using standard techniques, with no specialist equipment needed
  • Faster to place: Concrete and fibre reinforcement is placed in a single operation

In June will we continue to promote our macro fibres but will also be promoting our ADVANCED range of high-performance concrete with our ‘Fortified with fibres’ and ‘Strength from within’ campaigns. Our ADVANCED range includes ADVANCED Flooring, ADVANCED Paving, ADVANCED Design, ADVANCED Decking and ADVANCED Beam & Block.

Also look out for a new Admixtures being launched in June. ISOFIBER 1100 is a next-generation natural micro-fibre solution, ideal for reducing the risk of cracking in concrete.

As part of our media campaigns, we will be sharing posts on social media – we would love you to share these in your own feeds to help maximise our reach.

We have produced a guide ‘Inside Fibres’ telling you all you need to know about fibres. This guide has been created for internal use, please do not share externally. To get a copy of this guide, please email Caroline Gardner: caroline.gardner@cemex.com

You can read even more about any of our ADVANCED products on the CEMEX UK website here: https://www.cemex.co.uk/advanced-fibre-reinforced concrete