Last week, the Supply Chain Team at Tilbury hosted an event with Loughborough University, showcasing the vehicle safety features fitted to CEMEX vehicles to provide visibility to the drivers of Vulnerable Road Users (VRU).
CEMEX have a very close relationship with Loughborough University who have a dedicated department researching road safety and how technology can help.
CEMEX has been trialling and adopted the Continental VIU turn assist system, and this has been tested over a period of months. The Radar technology has provided significant benefits over previous systems, including reduced detection of roadside furniture.
Radar systems are very much regarded as the future and will be adopted by the manufacturers in future generations of vehicles. CEMEX are the first logistics company in the UK to adopt a Radar VRU detection system.
As part of their research, Loughborough University was keen to see the technology on our CEMEX trucks. This would enable them to identify and measure the benefits and performance of the Radar technology with regards to VRU safety against the current ultra-sonic systems available.
The day was very informative and we were able to share more widely our Radar VRU program, covering education, community and industry collaboration.
Dave Hart, Supply Chain Director said: “Loughborough University have been asked by the Transport for London to look into technology regarding VRUs and it was a privilege to be asked to share with them our approach as we are a leading company in this field. Thanks to Nigel Ponton and Barrie Flitton for hosting.”
Andy Taylor, Health & Safety Director commented: “Well done to the Supply Chain Team, our working relationship with Loughborough University has proven very beneficial over the years, good to see it’s going on strong.”