Health & Safety

Health & Safety

Latest Safety Alerts

Two UK Safety Alerts have been issued, one from the UK and the other kindly shared by our colleagues in Germany. Both relate to recent high potential incidents (HiPos) which were very similar in nature, and where it was only a matter of luck that those involved didn’t suffer more severe, or potentially fatal injuries.

You can read the two Safety Alerts in the UK News download section: Safety Alert - Truck driver hit by forklift (437 downloads) Safety Alert - FLT drove over driver's foot (442 downloads)

Please review the Alerts with your teams.  While they involve forklift truck operations, there are learning points that are relevant to traffic management on the majority of our sites.  During your discussions you may want to focus on the following:

  • Are traffic management plans robust?
  • Were traffic management audits effective in identifying any gaps in standards?  Have all the gaps been rectified?
  • Do our plants ensure physical segregation of pedestrians where possible and minimise the need for vehicles to reverse?
  • In particular, where there is the potential for vehicles and pedestrians to be in close proximity, such as when loading / offloading, are procedures in place to ensure vehicle drivers remain in their cab where possible, or otherwise are physically protected in a safe haven.
  • Do we ensure mobile equipment operators and drivers are competent and assessed as appropriate?
  • Have we formally reviewed what safety features should be fitted to mobile equipment, such as visibility aids, audible and visual reverse warning, sensor systems, etc. and are maintenance, inspection and defect reporting systems suitable to ensure they remain in good working order at all times?
  • Do drivers, contractors and visitors undergo a site induction which highlights the traffic management requirements?

We can all help minimise the potential for these type of incidents by reporting any near misses / hazards and by taking the time to Step In if we see anything unsafe.

Please display the Alerts on relevant notice boards.