

Lewis is top of his class again!

Congratulations to Lewis Coxon, Quarry Manager at Hatfield, who was recognised by the Institute of Quarrying recently, winning the Reginald W Coles Award (Best 3rd Year Foundation Degree Student Overall), in his Mineral Extractives Foundation Degree at the University of Derby Centre for Mineral Products.

This award is extra special as it marks the third year in a row that Lewis has been recognised by the Institute of Quarrying, for being top of his class. Last year, Lewis received a Longcliffe Calcium Carbonates Awards of Excellence for being the best performer in his second-year class, achieving some of the highest grades in all the modules he studied, He also won the same award at the end of his first year. After checking their records, the Institute of Quarrying confirmed Lewis is the first to have won recognition awards three years running.

Kevin Cage, Head of UK Aggregate Operations, said: “This achievement is more exceptional when you consider Lewis has accomplished this whilst accepting the role of Quarry Manager at Hatfield Quarry, a site known for its complexities and challenges. Very well done Lewis.”

Lewis will be receiving his award at the Fellows Lunch at the end of October at the IET in London. Well done Lewis!