

New Password Policy

As part of CEMEX security measures to protect us against cybersecurity threats, we are strengthening our password policy, making it possible to only update your password once a year.

For this, it is important to consider the following guidelines in your upcoming change of password:

  • Combine numbers, special characters, capital and lowercase letters (at least 12 characters).
  • Don’t use dictionary words or personal information (Password, abcd1234, C3m3x, Monterrey, Neoris, Adrian1990).
  • Use Multifactor Authentication – for all available services such as CEMEX and other personal accounts.
  • Avoid password reuse. Don’t use your CEMEX password in other personal accounts.
  • Keep it confidential – save your password in a secure place.
  • Use hard-to-guess and easy to remember passwords – (phrases, songs, and movie titles).
  • Don’t store your passwords on: web navigators, piece of paper, or your computer.
  • Don’t share your password with anyone, or distribute it by email, text messages
    or social media.

To know more about the new features to change your password click here