Health & Safety

Health & Safety

COVID-19 Update for UK Employees

Update to business response to Coronavirus

You may have seen the communication from our CEO Fernando Gonzalez last week, which announced a move away from global COVID protocols to a local system, following local guidelines.

Following on from this, the RRT wanted to share a quick reminder about the ongoing need to be vigilant against Coronavirus in our operations, particularly as we move towards the end of the year and the colder months.

Please remember if you have symptoms or test positive for Coronavirus, do not come into work – The NHS advise that, if you have COVID-19, you can pass on the virus to other people for up to 10 days from when your infection starts. Many people will no longer be infectious to others after 5 days. You should try to stay at home and avoid contact with other people for 5 days. Avoid meeting people at higher risk from COVID-19 for 10 days, especially if their immune system means they’re at higher risk of serious illness from COVID-19, even if they’ve had a COVID-19 vaccine. This starts from the day after you did the test.

If you are feeling unwell and do not test positive or test negative for COVID-19 and do not feel well enough to go to work and do your normal activities, you should try to stay at home and avoid contact with other people. Avoid meeting people at higher risk from COVID-19, especially if their immune system means they’re at higher risk of serious illness from COVID-19, even if they’ve had a COVID-19 vaccine. You can go back to your normal activities if you feel well enough to do so and do not have a high temperature.

Please also remember that all cases of and absences due to Coronavirus must be notified to Line Managers and the Health & Safety team at the earliest opportunity. This procedure still applies to those who are working remotely, even if they do not need to be absent from work.

All COVID-19 related absences / self-isolation should also be logged via the dedicated online form, accessible here, and record absences on SAP as you would do normally.

While much of life has returned to normal, remember that the risk of the virus has not disappeared please continue to maintain good hand washing and sanitising practices, and ensure ventilation of enclosed spaces.

It is also important that we all take up the booster vaccines when these are offered and encourage friends and family to do the same; especially if they are deemed vulnerable. A fourth dose of the vaccine is now being rolled out across the UK, with those over the age of 50, pregnant women and carers on the list of people who will be offered the booster. To find out if you are applicable for a booster, and for more information including how to book, click here.

We would like to finish by reiterating Fernando’s thanks to everyone at CEMEX for their commitment to keeping people safe, both at home and in their communities. Thank you for your ongoing support.