Health & Safety

Health & Safety

Latest UK Safety Alert

Two thirds of our most serious injuries in the UK this year have resulted from slips, trips and falls, all of them involving drivers or mobile equipment operators.

This Alert summarises the latest of these incidents, where a colleague unfortunately twisted his ankle and fractured a bone after climbing down from his wheeled loader.

You can find the Alert in the UK News download page: Safety Alert - Ankle Injury (739 downloads)

Please take the time to review the Alert with your teams, highlighting the basic measures that should be in place to ensure we look after ourselves and each other:

  • Are there dedicated areas for parking vehicles and mobile equipment where the ground is in good condition?
  • Do we have designated walkways with suitable surfaces?
  • Are pedestrian routes free of slips / trip hazards, with suitable lighting and good housekeeping standards?
  • Are the top and bottom treads of stairways and the handrails highlighted with yellow paint, and “Get a Grip” stickers clearly displayed on stairways, fixed ladders and vehicle access / egress?
  • Are any remaining trip hazards highlighted with yellow paint and consideration given to how they can be eliminated?
  • Of relevance as we approach the winter, are procedures in place to clear snow / ice from walkways, with stocks of grit salt available?
  • On a personal level, do we ensure we are wearing suitable footwear, with a good tread, whether in a general workplace or operational area, where lace up safety boots are required?
  • Do we always check the ground conditions when getting out of a vehicle and remain alert to slip / trip hazards?
  • Do we speak up and STEP IN if we see someone not maintaining three points of contact on steps, stairways and ladders?

Site Managers are encouraged to ensure they are aware of the ongoing EMEA Slips, Trips and Falls campaign, with further advice and information available from the Health & Safety team.

Please also display the Alert on relevant noticeboards.

Before starting any new task always STOP, THINK…& CHECK it is safe, and always STEP IN if you see anything unsafe.