Health & Safety

Health & Safety

Global Safety Alert

The latest Global Safety Alert regarding an incident outside the EMEA Region, describes a very sad situation where a colleague was found trapped by a roller at the head end of a conveyor; his arm was amputated and despite rescue efforts, he died at the scene

We have focussed significant time and effort to ensure machinery guarding is properly designed, secured by fastenings that require a tool to remove them, and isolation procedures are robust (LOTOTO – Lock Out, Tag Out, Try Out).  Please discuss this Alert with your teams, reminding them of these essential requirements, which are intended to prevent tragedies such as the incident detailed in the Alert.  We must ensure regular checks of machinery guarding are included in our site inspection and defect reporting schemes, and all personnel (employees and contractors) have received appropriate training in isolation procedures.

You can find the Global Alert on the UK News download page here.

Key responsibilities of Managers and Supervisors includes regular monitoring of workplace standards, discussion with their teams to identify improvement opportunities, and ensuring everyone understands the safety requirements of their role.  In addition, individually we must Take 5 to ensure we STOP & THINK before starting new tasks, to double check all necessary precautions are in place, and STEP IN using the Take 5 Together process to ensure we not only look after ourselves, but also look after each other…Our Number 1 Safety Essential.

When reviewing the Alert with teams, please consider whether there are any shortfalls in our processes, or opportunities to make further improvements, taking immediate action where there is a risk of injury.  Please also display the Alert on notice boards.

Cemex Global Protocols require all Fatal Alerts to be communicated and Managers to capture the signature of employees and contractors to confirm they have received and understood the information and the control measures they need to adopt.  In addition, operations are invited to observe a one-minute silence in memory of the deceased at the time of discussing a Fatal Incident Safety Alert.

Before starting any new task always STOP, THINK…& CHECK it is safe, and always STEP IN if you see anything unsafe.