Future in Action

Future in Action

Near to Zero Waste to Landfill at Head Office

Did you know! UK landfills account for roughly 20% of UK methane emissions. Methane traps more heat in the atmosphere per molecule than carbon dioxide (CO2), making it 80 times more harmful than CO2 for 20 years after it is released.

To reduce our Head Office waste going to landfill Natasha Page, Facilities Manager & HR Advisor, together with Miranda Clegg, UK Sustainability Manager, have been running a project ‘Near to Zero Waste to Landfill’. This ongoing project is aimed at reducing, recycling and reusing waste produced from our Coventry office and forms part of the ambition to become ISO 14001 certified, along with many of our other Cemex UK sites.

The 2022 move from the Rugby office to Coventry presented a great opportunity to make changes and encourage a ‘less waste’ mindset.

Along with many other initiatives, some measurable actions to reduce waste included:

  • Removing the under-desk bins
  • No more paper and plastic cups
  • Limiting the storage availability
  • Lessening printers/photocopiers (12 at Rugby to 5 in Binley)

To share the great progress so far, Natasha and Miranda have completed a series of short information sessions with colleagues based at our Head Office, to inform them about progress and to encourage best practice around recycling, reusing and reducing our waste. They shared some great tips for us all to put into practice both at work and at home.

Here are a few ideas we can all take on board:

  • Think before you print (work and at home) – Does that need to be printed? In colour?
  • Avoid single-use food and drink containers – Use reusable bottles/cups/tubs and bags.
  • Avoid food packaging made from plastics.
  • Be an example, make a difference and people will follow!