

Head Office Supports Local Charities

Running up to Christmas colleagues at our Head Office in Coventry took part in our ‘Countdown to Christmas’. In the four weeks leading up to the Christmas office closure, each week they collected items to donate to four different local charities, benefitting communities around our Cemex operations. They had an incredible response and each week the collection boxes were overflowing with donated items.

With four weeks to go they collected over 80 selection boxes for the Salvation Army’s Christmas Present Appeal, to help spread the joy of Christmas to families whose children would otherwise not receive a gift.

With three weeks to go they collected almost 150 second-hand books which have been sent to our Cemex colleagues in Spain. They are supporting Senegal Sonríe, a Spanish non-profit organisation whose objective is the development of dental and educational activities in the field of cooperation in developing countries.

With two weeks to go they collected a huge amount of baby items for Baby Godiva, a charity based in Coventry, supporting families with young children in their time of need. They collect and sort items from the local community and then redistribute them to families that are experiencing financial or personal difficulties.

With one week to go they collected 67kg of essential food items for the Coventry FoodBank which is located just a few minutes from Cemex House. It is the biggest warehouse in the Feed the Hungry Network and is currently feeding 2,500 people per month (three days provision of food) and relies on food donations.

Well done and a huge thank you to our head office colleagues for the generosity and Christmas spirit during the four weeks Countdown to Christmas. The donations will have made a real difference to families at need over Christmas.