Future in Action

Future in Action

Do You Know the Sand Martin Code?

Natural Sand Martin nesting habitat has reduced dramatically leading this iconic species to seek refuge in our quarries. As an industry, we must welcome nature into our working practices and do everything we can to protect this species.

If Sand martins colonise an active quarry face, sand or dust stockpiles then all work must stop between March and August inclusive. All birds and their nests are fully protected under the Wildlife & Countryside Act 1981 which makes it an offence to intentionally kill, injure or take any wild bird.

In 2023 together with the RSPB, Cemex updated our Sand Martin code. Please ensure that all personnel are aware of individual and company obligations prevent harm to this iconic species.

You can find the Sand Martin Code at the end of this document and on the UK News download page here.

On all sites with sand piles, please display on all workplace notice boards.